HABS in Starfield basically means Habitat modules, which are like the lively center of your spaceship's life. These modules go beyond just being useful – they become safe and comfortable places to live in the vastness of space. As you explore the unknown parts of space, these Habitats become the caring homes for the people on your ship. They represent community, growth, and all the good things that can happen. Think of the Hab modules as the energy that keeps your ship alive, making it feel alive and not just like a machine.

HAB'S Function in Starfield

The word "Hab" perfectly captures what Habitat modules are all about, and they're really important for your spaceship. These modules do more than just their basic job – they turn into really important safe places in the huge universe. As you go on trips through parts of space that no one has seen before, these Habitats become cozy homes for the people on your spaceship. They show togetherness, growth, and endless possibilities. Imagine the Hab modules as the energy that flows through your spaceship, making it feel alive even though it's made of machines. Basically, Habs are like small worlds that help life happen in the big empty space. They have everything needed for people to live comfortably, from places to sleep and have fun, to making food and advanced systems that keep everything safe.

starfields habs wiki guide min

HAB Modules in Starfield



All HABs Comparison Table


All Starfield Habitat Modules Comparison Table

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Deimos 2 5 8 1282 None 

Deimos Companionway 3x1

Deimos 2 5 10 1472 None 

Nova Galactic Storeroom 1x1

Nova Galactic - 5 5 997 None 

Nova Galactic All-in-One Berth 2x1 A

Nova Galactic 2 5 8 1282 None 

Nova Galactic Engineering Bay 3x1

Nova Galactic 1 5 10 1472 None 


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