Cheat Codes in Starfield are Commands or codes that can activate or modify specific features and mechanics in the game giving players more control over how the game is played or experienced. This can add to the players' experience, make gameplay easier, and can enhance gameplay to cater to each player's preference. 

How to use Cheats in Starfield

Players who wish to activate and implement cheats into their Starfield gameplay can do so from the Command Console. This can only be done on the PC. To bring up the Command Console,  enter the menu system and press the "~" and " ' " key to activate your command. It will appear on the lower left corner of the screen. This is where you can input your cheat codes and commands. When using codes with IDs. Follow the command format below and replace the bracket with the ID number. (eg: To add 1 Mag Sniper to your inventory, key in "player.additem 0002EB45 1")


Recommended Cheats in Starfield

Some examples of ways you can use Starfield ID codes are the following:

  • Spawn an Item: player.placeatme (Item ID) [#] 
  • Attach Weapon Modifer: (Ref ID Code).amod (OMOD ID)
  • Add Trait or Skill: player.addperk (Perk ID)
  • Remove Perk or Skill: player.removeperk (Trait ID)

What kind of Cheats can you Activate in Starfield?

The most common cheats in games are to activate God Mode where the player has an unlimited use of resources or health and cannot be harmed. You can also meddle with the system's AI and NPC reactions or give yourself unlimited Credits. Another common cheat found in games that can also be used in Starfield is the free-roam camera which allows players to control the camera's position to view different angles or perspectives in the game.

Other codes or cheats are known as mods which can affect the aesthetic of specific items of features in the game, which gives players a unique experience tailored to each person who chooses to further modify the game. View all cheat codes and mods below. 


What Cheating Affects in Starfield

Be cautious when using cheats, as some codes have the tendency to crash the game or may void players from being able to obtain the associated Trophy & Achievement


All Cheat Codes in Starfield


Cheat Code Commands
Item IDs
Ammo IDs
Ore IDs
Weapon IDs
Weapon Mod IDs
Spacesuit IDs
Helmet IDs
Boost Pack IDs
Faction Bounty IDs
Skill IDs
Trait IDs
Background IDs


Starfield Console Commands

Quick Search of All Cheat Codes

Click the header to sort the table.

Command/ Cheat Code Name Description
tgm Toggle God Mode Enables complete invincibility and unlimited ammo.
tim Toggle Immortal Mode Enables you to take damage, but you'll never reach 0 health.
psb Player Spellbook Unlocks all available powers.
tdetect Toggle Detect NPCs will no longer detect you.
tcai Toggle Combat AI Combat AI will no longer target you. This can be disabled and enabled by re-entering the code.
tcl Toggle No Clip Character collision is disabled, allowing you to fly through walls, floors, and other objects. This can be disabled and enabled by re-entering the code.
tm Toggle Menus Toggle UI menus on/off.
tfc Toggle Freefly Camera The Camera is detached from the player, and you're free to fly about the map.
additem (Item_ID) (Value) Adds Items Specified items will be added to your character.
(Ref ID).amod (OMOD_ID) Attach Weapon Mods Specified weapon mods will be applied to your reference weapon. An item's Reference ID can be obtained while in the Command Console and clicking on any items dropped on the ground to reveal their Reference ID. See our Item IDs and Codes Guide for a full list of Weapon Modifier codes.
(Ref ID).rmod (OMOD_ID) Remove Attached Weapon Mod Specified weapon mods will be removed from your reference weapon. An item's Reference ID can be obtained while in the Command Console and clicking on any items dropped on the ground to reveal their Reference ID.
killall ill All NPCs All NPCs in the area will be killed.
kah Kill All Hostiles All hostile NPCs in the area will be killed.
resurrect Resurrect NPC Selected NPC will be resurrected. For this command to work, you’ll need to select the NPC while in the console command menu, so their Reference ID appears, then enter the cheat code.
unlock Unlock Doors and Containers Unlock your current target door or container. In order for this to be a success, you must first attempt to open the locked target before inputting the command.
sexchange Change Character Gender Changes your Character's gender to the opposite sex.
showmenu sleepwaitmenu Show Sleep / Wait Menu Quickly access the wait menu, allowing you to adjust time on the fly.
player.setlevel (Value) Set Character Level Character is set to the specified level.
player.additem (Item ID) (Value) Add Items to Inventory Specified items will be added to your inventory. See our Best Starfield Item IDs section for a list of all the best and most commonly needed items in Starfield.
player.removeitem (Item ID) (Value) Remove Items from Inventory Specified items will be removed from your inventory.
player.removeallitems Remove All Items from Inventory (Except Mission Items/Keys) Removes all items held by your character except Mission items and keys obtained. (WARNING)
player.placeatme (Item ID) (Value) Spawn Item/Creature at You The specified item or creature will be spawned directly in front of your character.
player.paycrimegold 0 0 (Faction ID) Pay Off Bounties Remain out of jail, keep all stolen items, and pay off any outstanding Bounties for a specified Faction.
showlooksmenu player 1 Open Character Creator Opens the character creator menu, allowing you to adjust your character's appearance, name, background, and traits.
player.removeperk (Perk ID) Remove Skills, Traits, and Backgrounds The specified skill, trait, or background will be removed from your character. See our Perk, Trait, and Background IDs below.
player.addperk (Perk ID) Add Skills, Traits, and Backgrounds The specified skill, trait, or background will be added to your character. Do note that you will need to have a spare perk, trait, or background slot available in order to add a perk to your character. So, be sure to remove a perk first before attempting this command.
player.setav carryweight (Value) Increase Carry Weight Sets carry weight to the specified value.
psb Player Spell Book All spells will be unlocked.
saq Start All Quests All Main Story and Side Quests will be started. (May cause crashes)
caqs Complete Main Quests All Main Story Quests will be completed. (May cause crashes)
ShowHighMaxHeights (shmh) --- Shows or hides the high res max height data.
EnableStoryManagerLogging --- Enable story manager logging.
DumpPapyrusStacks (dps) --- Dumps all Papyrus stack information the log.
DumpPapyrusTimers --- Dumps all Papyrus timer registrations to the log.
DumpPapyrusLOSEvents --- Dumps all Papyrus LOS event registrations to the log.
DumpPapyrusDistanceEvents --- Dumps all Papyrus distance event registrations to the log.
DumpPapyrusPersistenceInfo (dppi) --- Dumps everything in Papyrus persisting the reference called on, or passed.
DumpPapyrusEventRegistrations --- Dumps all Papyrus event registrations for the specified object (and script).
RunCompaction --- Run a pass of compaction if possible.
ToggleImmortalMode --- Toggle Immortal mode (health/stamina/magicka can decrease but never go to zero).
SetSubgraphToDebug --- Subgraph To Debug.
EnableRumble --- Enables / Disables rumble.
HavokVDBCapture --- Havok VDB Capture
ToggleNavmeshInfo --- Toggle a view mode similar to the map camera and displays navmesh infos.
PlaySyncAnim --- Play Sync Anim.
SetFormKnown --- Sets the known flag on a form.
SetDebugQuest --- Sets the quest to be the only one startable from its event type.
SetQuestAliasLogging --- Turns alias logging on/off for a quest.
SetRace --- Sets the passed in actor's race.
FindForm (find) --- Find a form.
StartPapyrusScriptProfile (StartPSP) --- Starts profiling a Papyrus script.
StopPapyrusScriptProfile (StopPSP) --- Stops profiling a Papyrus script.
StartPapyrusFormProfile (StartPFP) --- Starts profiling Papyrus scripts on a form.
StopPapyrusFormProfile (StopPFP) --- Stops profiling Papyrus scripts on a form.
StartPapyrusStackRootProfile --- Starts profiling all Papyrus stacks starting at a script.
StopPapyrusStackRootProfile --- Stops profiling all Papyrusstacks starting at a script.
TogglePapyrusGlobalProfiler (TPGP) --- Toggles Papyrus global profiling on and off (profiles everything)
PrintQuestSceneInfo --- Prints to the Quest Inf file the current state of scenes.
IsInvulnerable --- Is the actor invulnerable?
CollisionMesh --- Toggle Mesh Collision Info
HavokWorldStep (hkstep) --- Toggle BhkWorld Havok Step Info
IsolateRendering --- Enable isolated rendering for selected object.
ToggleWaterCurrentGeometry --- Displays or hides water current geometry.
PerformAction --- Performs the specified action on the selected actor.
StartTrackPlayerDoors --- Starts tracking palyer-activiated teleport doors.
StopTrackPlayerDoors --- Stops tracking player-activated teleport doors.
CheckPlayerDoors --- Compares the Tracked Player path with the quest target path.
SetInChargen --- Toggles aspects of Chargen Mode on/off [savingDisabled] [waitingDisabled][activationMessageDisabled]
ForceReset --- Force the game to run a full reset.
ForceCloseFiles --- Close masterfile and plugins. Useful for letting CreationKit save to a plugin that is also loaded in-game. See also HotLoadPlugin. [Caution: Use at own risk! Gameplay and new savegames may be unstable.]
HotLoadPlugin (HLP) --- Load or reload the named plugin. Useful for getting changes without restarting. See also ForceCloseFiles. [Caution: Use at own risk! Modified running quests will be stopped (and restarted if possible). Gameplay and new savegames may be unstable.]
GenerateBendableSpline (Spline) --- Generate a bendable spline geometry instance.
Reload () --- Reloads the specified Papyrus script.
TestAim --- Test an actor's aim.
TestLook --- Test an actor's looking.
PushCamera --- Push camera to editor.
MoveToEditorCamera --- Move to the editor camera.
MoveToEditorSelection --- Move to the editor selection.
PlaceFurnitureTester (PFT) --- Place actor, who will use the selected furniture. Can specify actor type via optional parameter.
DumpConditionsFunctions --- Output the current counters for condition function calls.
ReloadAnimationGraphs --- Reload the currently loaded animation graphs.
ToggleWeaponOverlay --- Toggle the weapon overlay.
ForceDetect --- Forces the selected actor to detect the specified actor.
ChangeAnimArchetype (caa) --- Change the selected actor's anim archetype.
ChangeAnimFlavor --- Change the selected actor's animal flavor.
Change the selected actor's animal flavor. --- Set the angry with player flag.
ForceRepath --- Force the actor to repath.
ForcePathFailure --- Force the actor's path to fail.
DumpFormList --- Dump the contens of given formlist to the console output.
TraceAnimationEvents --- Trace an actor's animation events.
ShowMods --- Show all property mods on an object.
DumpInputEnableLayers --- Dumps all currently used input enable layers to the console.
AttachMod --- Attach a mod to an object.
RemoveMod --- Remove a mod from an object.
SpawnTemplatedObject --- Spawn a ref to a templated object.[object, ilevel, pkeyword1, pkeyword2]
CallFunction --- Calls a papyrus function on the targeted ref. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters.
CallQuestFunction (cqf) --- Calls a papyrus function on a quest. Second parameter is the function, the rest are parameters.
CallGlobalFunction (cgf) --- Calls a global papyrus function. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters.
ResetInputEnableLayer --- Resets all control disables on a specific input enable layer.
ForceEnablePlayerControls (fepc) --- Force-enables the player's controls, regardless of layers, see EnablePlayerControls.
ResetForceEnabledPlayerControls --- Resets all force-enabled player controls.
GetActorRefOwner --- Prints the owner of the currently selected reference.
SetActorRefOwner (saro) --- Sets ownership of the currently selected reference to the specified actor (or if not actor is specified, to the player).
HasActorRefOwner (haro) --- Returns 1 if the currently selected reference has an owner, or 0 otherwise.
SetOutfit --- Change the default outfit for the actor.
PassTime --- Passes the given number of hours asif the player were sleeping.
LinkLocations --- Links two locations under the given keyword.
ShowLinkedLocations --- Outputs all locations linked to the given one under the given keyword.
SetLinkedRef --- Links the current ref to the given one under the given keyword.
ResetContainer --- Resets the currently selected container, or if you specify "1", then it'll reset all containers.
SetSceneForDebug --- Sets the current debug scene.
PreloadExterior --- Preloads the exterior data for the currently selected ref.
TestPath --- Debug function to test a path.
ToggleControlsOverly --- Toggle Controls Overlay
Refresh --- Rebug function to refresh a reference.
DynamicResolution --- Change the dynamic resolution settings.
TestLoadingMenu --- Debug function to open/close the Loading menu in the Loading thread.
RecalcInstanceData --- Debug function recalc instance data for the selected ref or all loaded refs if nothing is selected.
ToggleReferencePose --- Roggles forcing an animgraph for the selected actor to be in the reference pose. May specify "target" or "rig" as well.
SetPersistLocation --- Debug function to set the persist loc on reference.
SetLocationRefType --- Debug function to set the loc ref type for a location on a reference.
ShowLocData --- Debug function to dump data about a location.
ReserveLoc --- Debug function to reserve a location so it can't be used for most aliases.
UpdateAwakeSound (UAS) --- Update the selected actor's currentl conscious loop.
SetHarvested --- Mark the current reference as Harvested or not.
PauseScene --- Pause or unpause the specified scene.
SpawnDupe --- Make a duplicate ref of the selected ref.
DisableDistantReferences --- Disable references more than a certain distance from the selected ref.
FireAssert --- Fire an assert (with text passed, if available).
ForcePersistent --- Force a reference to become persistent.
PlayActionCamera (pac) --- Play this action camera on the reference with target reference.
StopActionCamera --- Stop the action camera.
ChangeStance --- Change the actor's stance.
AuditionWwiseEvent --- Set of commands for auditioning Wwise events.
AuditionReverbForm (arf) --- Force a given Reverb form to be active.
SetWwiseState (sws) --- Sets a global Wwise State
BuildAnimationData (bad) --- Build the animation data for the actor.
SwitchSkeleton --- Toggles between standard and chargen skeletons for an actor.
GetHelloorGreeting () --- Prints out the info id for actiors hello/greeting to actor param. One of these should be the player.
SetBoneTintRegion --- Add bone tint data to an object's 3d given a region ID (integer) of that object.
SendDialogueEvent --- Sends a dialogue event for the selected and target actor.
SetForceSpeechChallengeAlwaysSucceed ()v --- player will always succeed at speech challenge.
SetForceSpeechChallengeAlwaysFail () --- player will always fail at speech challenge.
RunMaterialsAnalysis (rma) --- Compares the materials of the selected reference.
CaptureMessages () --- Captures DebugString, USER1 and USER2 messages using a Message Event Listener and sends the outout to CaptureMessage.Iua
ToggleTrijuice --- Toggles Trijuicing in the renderer (may slightly degrade texture filtering quality in exchange for improved performance).
SetPresentThreshold (spt) --- Set percentage (0-100) of scanlines covered before swap threshold is hit: default 0 (always swap)
LinkFullAccount --- Link full Bnet account to game-account: (username) (password)
IsLoggedIn (isonline) --- Is the player logged in to
GetLegalDocs (getlegaldocs) --- Retrieves a list of all required legal documents.
AcceptLegalDoc --- Accepts a legal document based on its ID: acceptlegaldoc (id)
GetDataAttachment --- Prints data from Profile Data Attachment: getattachment (type) (id)
DeleteDataAttachment --- Deletes a Profile Data Attachment: deleteattachment (type) (id)
UploadCharacterData --- Uploads character data playload as bnet Profile Data Attachment.
GetAttachmentLeaderboard (getattachmentleaderboard) --- Gets attachment leaderboard page: getattachmentleaderboard (attachment type) (leaderboard type)
LoadUnitedData --- Gets character data from leadersboard and caches it.
MakeUnityNPC --- Updates NPC with data from unity cache.
SetVolumetricLighting Parameters (vl) --- Set volumetric lighting parameters.
StartWorkshop (workshop) --- Enter Workshop mode if the player is within the buildable area of a Workshop.
ToggleVBlankOptim --- Toggles VBlank optim
AddKeyword --- Add the given keyword to the reference
RemoveKeyword --- Remove the given keyword on the reference.
SetAmbientParticlesEnabled --- Enables(1)/disables(0) ambient particles.
RemoveOutposts () --- Removes the given Outpost and all built items.
SetESRAMSetup --- Force specific ESRAM setup (-1 for automatic setup).
CallStackTraceDepth --- Set the callstack depth when tracing it.
CommandedActivated --- Commands selected actor to use a reference.
EnableGalaxyMode --- Enables/Disables galaxy mode.
ToggleStarFieldDebug --- Toggles the StarField debug on or off.
SetStarFieldCoordinateScale () --- Sets the StarField coordinate scale.
SetStarSystemScale (sss) --- Sets the star system scale.
MoveToPlanet --- If target player ship, move to or give path to pilot to (target) (1 to do full jump sequence).
SetOrbitSpeedScale --- Sets global orbit speed scale.
InstanceNamingRules  --- Export instance naming rule data to file INRExport.txt.
GetOrbisModInfo --- Prints info relating to Orbis mod game data files.
ToggleSceneDebug --- Show debug state for scene.
SetFarClip --- Set far clip value. (-1 to clear override)
ToggleOverdraw --- Toggle overdraw
RecordScene --- Capture screen shots of scene. (Scene EditorID, [FPS 60 default])
LandOnPlanet (lop) --- Land on a planet. (lop <planetname> <ion> <lat> <deg or="" rad="">)</deg></lat></ion></planetname>
TakeOffToSpace --- PreviewBodyResources (pbr)
PreviewBodyResources (pbr) --- Previews resources for a planet.
SendAffinityEvent --- (AffinityEvent [ObjRef]) Run an affinity event on an optional object reference.
AddPower --- AddPower (part) #
RemovePower --- RemovePower (part) #
MatlockCapture --- Force matlock to realize a capture.
ToggleSnapNodeMarkers --- Force matlock to realize a capture.
ToggleSnapNodeMarkers --- Toggle snap node markers.
SetVoiceType --- Set an override voice type on an actor.
AddWorldSpaceToPlanet --- Adds a world space to a planet.
DebugDataProvider --- Set the name of the UI Data Provider we want to debug.
LoadAll3D --- Load all queued 3D.
PrintAllMenus (pam) --- Print all active menus.
PrintAllInputContext (paic) --- Print the input context stack.
AddPlotToBody (AddPlot) --- Plot a route to this body.
ReloadFaceData --- Reload face data.
SetGravityScale --- Sets gravity scale on a ref's parent cell.
PreviewBlock --- PreviewBlock (blockname) (biome).
ExportTerrainTextures --- Export terrain textures.
ExportTerrainGrids --- Export terrain grids.
ExportTerrainHeightMap --- Export terrain height map.
ExportTerrainSplatMap --- Export terrain splat map.
ExportTerrainMaterialIndexMap --- Export terrain material index map.
ExportTerrainFiles --- Export terrain files.
UpdateTerrainClipmaps --- Refresh Terrain Clipmaps.
ToggleDebugCamera --- Toggle debug camera (mode name)
CyclePrevDebugCamera --- Cycle to previous debug camera.
CycleNextDebugCamera --- Cycle to next debug camera.
ToggleDebugCameraControls --- Toggle debug camera controls.
SetImGuiWindowFunction (siw) --- Activate an ImGui window.
InvokeUIEvent --- Invokes a ui > c++ event.
HotReloadUI --- Hot Reloads the User Interface SWFs.
SetPosRelativeToRef --- Script function to set the position of the picked ref relatively to another ref (defaulted to the player).
FaceRef --- Make a ref face towards another ref (defaulted to the player), with an extra angle offset.
SetWorkshopItem --- Set the Workshop menu's Node Cursor to the currently selected reference, if any.
GenerateNavMesh --- Generates nav-mesh on the current cell.
LandOnPlanetAnimated --- Land players spaceship with animation.
startNewGame --- Command to trigger new game on main menu without UI.
ForcedBleedout --- Force an actor to enter bleedout.
ForceConditionFormTrue --- Force a condition form to true. args: FromID, (enable)0/1, (permanent)0/1.
ForceConditionFormFalse --- Force a condition form to false. args: FromID, (enable)0/1, (permanent)0/1.
LandOnPlanetBiome --- Land on a planet's biome. (lopb (planetname) (biome index) [(centered)0/1])
LandOnPlanetMarker --- Land at a marker on the current planet.
TestAllPlanets --- TestPlanets
ClearLinkedRef --- Clear a linked reference.
SetLocalTime --- Sets the local time on the current planet, optionally updating the galaxy sim.
ReloadMaterials --- Reloads all materials.
PlacementOnCell --- Test overlay placement on a cell. (poc (cellindex.x)(xellindex.y))
ToggleWorkshopFlyCam --- Toggle workshop flycam.
CheckBiomeMarker --- Finds uses in the loaded area of the given biome marker.
TestBiomePlanet (tbp) --- Creates a full planet set to use the given biome exclusively and puts the player there.
PreviewPattern --- PreviewPattern (patternname)(biome)
SetHavokDynamic --- Set reference motion to dynamic with optional mass in kg.
SetHavokKinematic --- Set reference motion to kinematic.
SetHavokActive --- Set reference havok activity.
SetHavokLOD --- Set reference collision lod.
SetHavokLinearVelocity --- Set reference linear velocity.
SetHavokAngularVelocity --- Set reference angular velocity.
SetHavokCollisionLayer --- SetHavokCollisionLayer
SetHavokRagdollFriction --- Set havok ragdoll friction.
SetHavokParam --- Set havok param.
ShowHavokRagdollValues --- Show havok ragdoll values.
StartHavokPartTest --- Start/reset havok particles test.
StopHavokPartTest --- Stop havok particles test.
SetOrientation --- Set reference orientation
ToggleDebugText3D --- Toggle in game debug text.
ToggleBioOverlay --- Toggle the BI Overlay.
ToggleMetricViewer --- Spawn Metric Viewer
PrintMessage --- Print a message to the screen (print (message) (time) (clear previous messages flag))
AddDebugTest --- Add debug text to a reference (AddDebugText (debug text) (size) (color) (background color) (border color) (offsetX) (offsetY) (offsetZ) (pinned flag)
DisableActorPackage --- Disable or enable an actor's package (DisableActorPackage (0/1))
StopBatchFile --- Stop a running batchfile.
CenterOnSpaceCell --- Move to the specified space cell, optionally specify a ship.
DependencyGraphDump --- Dump Dependency Graph.
ToggleExperimentalShaders --- Toggles experimental shaders on/off.
SetTestPlanetAndBiome --- Sets a test planet and biome for interior testing with biome markers. (stpb [planetname] [biome form | biome index])

Starfield All Items IDs

Quick Search of All Item ID Codes

Click the header to sort the table.

To use any item ID code and spawn an item, use code: player.placeatme "Item ID Code#" "quantity#"

Eg: player.placeatme 002BF65B 1

To use any item ID code and place the item in your inventory, use code: player.additem "Item ID Code#" "quantity#"

Eg: player.additem 002BF65B 1

Item IDs Type Item Name
002BF65B Gun AA-99
0026D965 Gun Arc Welder
0026D964 Gun Auto-Rivet
0004716C Gun Beowulf
0026D963 Gun Big Bang
000547A3 Gun Breach
0026D96A Gun Bridger
0026D96B Gun Coachman
00016758 Gun Cutter
0018DE2C Gun Drum Beat
002F413A Gun Discarded Sidestar
0026D96E Gun Ecliptic Pistol
000476C4 Gun Eon
0001BC4F Gun Equinox
00028A02 Gun Grendel
00546CC Gun Hard Target
00253A16 Gun Kodama
0021FEB4 Gun Kraken
0002D7F4 Gun Lawgiver
002984DF Gun Maelstrom
0002EB3C Gun MagShear
00023606 Gun MagPulse
0002EB42 Gun MagShot
0002EB45 Gun MagSniper
0026035E Gun MagStorm
000546CD Gun Microgun
0026D968 Gun Novablast Disruptor
0026D967 Gun Novalight
0026ED2A Gun Old Earth Assault Rifle
0021BBCD Gun Old Earth Hunting Rifle
00278F74 Gun Old Earth Shotgun
002773C8 Gun Orion
0026D966 Gun Osmium Dagger
002953F8 Gun Pacifier
00/040826 Gun Rattler
00000FD6 Gun Razorback
0002CB5F Gun Regulator
0004F760 Gun Rescue Axe
0026D960 Gun Shotty
0026D95D Gun Sidestar
0026D961 Gun Solstice
0002EB36 Gun Tombstone
0026D96D Gun Urban Eagle
0026D8A0 Gun Va'Ruun Inflictor
0026D8A2 Gun Va'Ruun Painblade
0026D8A4 Gun Va'Ruun Starshard
0026F181 Melee Weapon Barrow Knife
00035A48 Melee Weapon Combat Knife
0026D8A3 Melee Weapon Tanto
0026D8A5 Melee Weapon UC Naval Cutlass
0026D8A1 Melee Weapon Wakizashi
00065925 Legendary Spacesuit Incendiary Experimental Nishina Spacesuit
0007B2B9 Legendary Spacesuit Sentinel's UC Antixeno Spacesuit
0022B8F6 Epic Spacesuit Repulsing Explorer Spacesuit
0013F97D Rare Spacesuit Peacemaker Spacesuit
00228570 Spacesuit Bounty Hunter Spacesuit
001E2B18 Spacesuit Constellation Spacesuit
000/5278E Spacesuit Deep Mining Spacesuit
002265AE Spacesuit Deep Recon Spacesuit
0006AC00 Spacesuit Deepcore Spacesuit
0016D2C4 Spacesuit Deepseeker Spacesuit
00026BF1 Spacesuit Deimos Spacesuit
0022856F Spacesuit Ecliptic Spacesuit
002265AF Spacesuit Explorer Spacesuit
001F22BB Spacesuit Gran-Gran's Spacesuit
002392B5 Spacesuit Ground Crew Spacesuit
00226299 Spacesuit Mantis Spacesuit
0001754D Spacesuit Mark I Spacesuit
001D0F96 Spacesuit Mercury Spacesuit
00225FC9 Spacesuit Monster Costume
00067C94 Spacesuit Navigator Spacesuit
0003084E Spacesuit Old Earth Spacesuit
00066821 Spacesuit Pirate Assault Spacesuit
00066826 Spacesuit Pirate Charger Spacesuit
00066828 Spacesuit Pirate Corsair Spacesuit
0006682A Spacesuit Pirate Sniper Spacesuit
00227CA0 Spacesuit Ranger Spacesuit
002265AD Spacesuit Shocktroop Spacesuit
0021C780 Spacesuit Space Trucker Spacesuit
00004E78 Spacesuit Star Roamer Spacesuit
0012E187 Spacesuit Starborn Spacesuit Astra
001CBA52 Spacesuit Starborn Spacesuit Avitus
001CBA4E Spacesuit Starborn Spacesuit Bellum
0021C77E Spacesuit Starborn Spacesuit Gravitas
001CBA4A Spacesuit Starborn Spacesuit Locus
001CBA49 Spacesuit Starborn Spacesuit Materia
002D7365 Spacesuit Starborn Spacesuit Solis
002D7346 Spacesuit Starborn Spacesuit Tempus
001CBA4D Spacesuit Starborn Spacesuit Tenebris
0021C77F Spacesuit Starborn Spacesuit Venator
002AAF44 Spacesuit SysDef Ace Spacesuit
00398104 Spacesuit SysDef Assault Spacesuit
0039810A Spacesuit SysDef Combat Spacesuit
00398108 Spacesuit SysDef Sec Recon Spacesuit
00398103 Spacesuit SysDef Spacesuit
00166404 Spacesuit Trackers Alliance Spacesuit
00166410 Spacesuit UC Ace Spacesuit
00206130 Spacesuit UC AntiXeno Spacesuit
00257808 Spacesuit UC Combat Spacesuit
00257805 Spacesuit UC Marine Spacesuit
000EF9B0 Spacesuit UC Sec Combat Spacesuit
000EF9AF Spacesuit UC Sec Recon Spacesuit
000EF9AE Spacesuit UC Sec Starlaw Spacesuit
000EF9AD Spacesuit UC Security Spacesuit
00257809 Spacesuit UC Startroop Spacesuit
0021A86A Spacesuit UC Urbanwar Spacesuit
00248C0F Spacesuit UC Vanguard Spacesuit
0025780A Spacesuit UC Wardog Spacesuit
00227CA3 Spacesuit Va'Ruun Spacesuit
00065926 Legendary Helmet Reactive Experimental Nishina Helmet (Legendary)
0010A25E Legendary Helmet Incendiary UC AntiXeno Space Helmet
001466F6 Helmet Black Graviplas Helmet
001466FA Helmet Black Open Graviplas Helmet
001C0F32 Helmet Bounty Hunter Space Helmet
002EDE9C Helmet Broken Constellation Space Helmet
001466F7 Helmet Brown Graviplas Helmet
001E2B17 Helmet Constellation Space Helmet
0003B424 Helmet Cydonia Space Helmet
00052792 Helmet Deep Mining Space Helmet
00169F54 Helmet Deep Recon Space Helmet
0006ABFF Helmet Deepcore Space Helmet
0016D15C Helmet Deepseeker Space Helmet
00026BF0 Helmet Deimos Space Helmet
00228829 Helmet Ecliptic Space Helmet
00169F50 Helmet Explorer Space Helmet
0021F3F4 Helmet First Soldier Helmet
003CD812 Helmet Generdyne Guard Helmet
001F22BC Helmet Gran-Gran's Space Helmet
000781F7 Helmet Graviplas Merc Helmet
001466F8 Helmet Gray Graviplas Helmet
001466FC Helmet Gray Open Graviplas Helmet
002392B4 Helmet Ground Crew Space Helmet
0016640A Helmet Mantis Space Helmet
0001754F Helmet Mark I Space Helmet
0016E0B5 Helmet Mercenary Space Helmet
001D0F94 Helmet Mercury Space Helmet
00067C93 Helmet Navigator Space Helmet
001F73EF Helmet Neon Security Helmet
0003084D Helmet Old Earth Space Helmet
000781F8 Helmet Open Graviplas Helmet
0016E0C3 Helmet Operative Helmet
0013F97B Helmet Peacemaker Space Helmet
00066822 Helmet Pirate Assault Space Helmet
00066827 Helmet Pirate Charge Space Helmet
00066829 Helmet Pirate Corsair Space Helmet
0006682B Helmet Pirate Sniper Space Helmet
001E2AC1 Helmet Ranger Space Helmet
0037A34F Helmet Ryujin Guard Helmet
00165718 Helmet Security Guard Helmet
00169F58 Helmet Shocktrooper Space Helmet
0016E0BD Helmet Space Trucker Space Helmet
00003E8F Helmet Star Roamer Space Helmet
002F4B39 Helmet SY-920 Space Helmet
00398107 Helmet SysDef Armored Space Helmet
00398106 Helmet SysDef Space Helmet
002AAF45 Helmet System Def Ace Space Helmet
001466F9 Helmet Teal Graviplas Helmet
001466FD Helmet Teal Open Graviplas Helmet
00166403 Helmet Trackers Alliance Space Helmet
0014E44E Helmet Trident Guard Helmet
0016640F Helmet UC Ace Pilot Space Helmet
0025780B Helmet UC Armored Space Helmet
00257806 Helmet UC Marine Space Helmet
000EF9B2 Helmet UC Sec Spaceriot Helmet
0025E8D5 Helmet UC Security Helmet
000EF9B1 Helmet UC Security Space Helmet
0021A86B Helmet UC Urbanwar Space Helmet
00248C0E Helmet UC Vanguard Space Helmet
0016D3D1 Helmet Va'ruun Space Helmet
0010A25D Boost Pack Armor-Plated UC AntiXeno Pack (Legendary)
001C0F34 Boost Pack Bounty Hunter Seek Pack
001C0F35 Boost Pack Bounty Hunter Stalk Pack
001C0F33 Boost Pack Bounty Hunter Track Pack
001E2B19 Boost Pack Constellation Pack
0003B423 Boost Pack Cydonia Pack
002EDF1F Boost Pack Deep Mining Pack
00169F55 Boost Pack Deep Recon Pack
000FD333 Boost Pack Deepcore Pack
0016D15B Boost Pack Deepseeker Pack
00026BEF Boost Pack Deimos Pack
00026BF2 Boost Pack Deimos Tunnel Pack
00166407 Boost Pack Ecliptic Pack
00169F51 Boost Pack Explorer Pack
002392B3 Boost Pack Ground Crew Pack
00003A77 Boost Pack High School Backpack
0016640B Boost Pack Mantis Pack
0001754E Boost Pack Mark I Pack
0016E0B6 Boost Pack Mercenary Pack
001D0F95 Boost Pack Mercury Pack
00067C95 Boost Pack Navigator Pack
0003084C Boost Pack Old Earth Pack
0013F97C Boost Pack Peacemaker Pack
00066824 Boost Pack Pirate Raiding Pack
00066825 Boost Pack Pirate Survival Pack
001E2AF7 Boost Pack Ranger Pack
00169F59 Boost Pack Shocktroop Pack
0016E0BB Boost Pack Space Trucker Pack
00003E90 Boost Pack Star Roamer Pack
001773BD Boost Pack SY-920 Pilot Pack
00398105 Boost Pack SysDef Pack
00166402 Boost Pack Trackers Alliance Pack
00029C7A Boost Pack Tunnel Mining Pack
0016640E Boost Pack UC Ace Pilot Pack
00/257807 Boost Pack UC Marine Pack
000EF9AC Boost Pack UC Security Pack
0021A86C Boost Pack UC Shock Armor Pack
002E3D4F Boost Pack UC Vanguard Pilot Pack
0016D3D0 Boost Pack Va'ruun Pack
002B559C Ammo .27 Caliber
002B559A Ammo .43 MI Array
02B5599 Ammo .43 Ultramag
002B5598 Ammo .45 Caliber ACP
002B5597 Ammo .50 Caliber Caseless
002B5596 Ammo .50 MI Array
002BAE3F Ammo 1.5KV LZR Cartridges
002BAE3F Ammo 11MM Caseless
002B5594 Ammo 12.5MM ST Rivet
000547A1 Ammo 12G Shotgun Shell
002B4AFC Ammo 15X25 CLL Shotgun Shell
0000E8EC Ammo 3KV LZR Cartridge
002B5592 Ammo 40MM XPL
002B5590 Ammo 6.5MM CT
002B558F Ammo 6.5MM MI Array
002B558E Ammo 7.5MM Whitehot
0004AD3E Ammo 7.77MM Caseless
002B559B Ammo 9x39MM
002B4AFB Ammo Caseless Shotgun Shell
002B558A Ammo Heavy Particle Fuse
002783C7 Ammo Light Particle Fuse

Starfield All Ammo IDs

Quick Search of All Ammo ID Codes

Click the header to sort the table.

To use any Ammo ID Code and spawn the item, use code: player.placeatme "Ammo ID Code#" "quanity#"

Eg: player.placeatme 002B559C 1

To use any Ammo ID Code and place the ammo type in your inventory, use code: player.additem "Ammo ID Code#" "quanity#"

Eg: player.additem 002B559C 1

Ammo ID Item Name
002B559C .27 Caliber
002B559A .43 MI Array
02B5599 .43 Ultramag
002B5598 .45 Caliber ACP
002B5597 .50 Caliber Caseless
002B5596 .50 MI Array
002BAE3F 1.5KV LZR Cartridges
002BAE3F 11MM Caseless
002B5594 12.5MM ST Rivet
000547A1 12G Shotgun Shell
002B4AFC 15X25 CLL Shotgun Shell
0000E8EC 3KV LZR Cartridge
002B5592 40MM XPL
002B5590 6.5MM CT
002B558F 6.5MM MI Array
002B558E 7.5MM Whitehot
0004AD3E 7.77MM Caseless
002B559B 9x39MM
002B4AFB Caseless Shotgun Shell
002B558A Heavy Particle Fuse
002783C7 Light Particle Fuse

Starfield All Ore IDs

Quick Search of All Ore ID Codes

Click the header to sort the table.

To use any Ore ID Code and spawn a Resource use code: player.placeatme "Ore ID Code#" "quantity#"


Eg: player.placeatme 00005DEC 1

To use any Ore ID code and place the Resource in your inventory, use code: player.additem "Ore ID Code#" "quantity#"

Eg: player.additem 00005DEC 1 

Ore ID Item Name
00005DEC Aldumite
0000557D Aluminum
0000557B Antimony
000057D9 Beryllium
00005575 Cobalt
00005576 Copper
00005569 Dysprosium
000057E1 Europium
00005579 Gold
0004BA37 Indicite
0000558A Iridium
0000556E Iron
00005568 Lead
0000557F Lithium
00005580 Neodymium
00005572 Nickel
00005574 Palladium
00005573 Platinum
0000558C Plutonium
0000556A Silver
0000556D Titanium
00005589 Uranium
0000558B Vanadium
00005DEF Vytinium

Starfield All Weapon IDs

Quick Search of All Weapon ID Codes

Click the header to sort the table.

To use any Weapon ID Code and spawn a weapon use code: player.placeatme "Weapon ID Code" "quanity#"

Eg: player.placeatme 002BF65B 1

To use any Weapon ID Code and place the Resource in your inventory, use code: player.additem "Weapon ID Code" "quanity#"

Eg: player.additem 002BF65B 1

Weapon ID Item Name
002BF65B AA-99
0026D965 Arc Welder
0026D964 Auto-Rivet
0004716C Beowulf
0026D963 Big Bang
000547A3 Breach
0026D96A Bridger
0026D96B Coachman
00016758 Cutter
0018DE2C Drum Beat
002F413A Discarded Sidestar
0026D96E Ecliptic Pistol
000476C4 Eon
0001BC4F Equinox
00028A02 Grendel
00546CC Hard Target
00253A16 Kodama
0021FEB4 Kraken
0002D7F4 Lawgiver
002984DF Maelstrom
0002EB3C MagShear
00023606 MagPulse
0002EB42 MagShot
0002EB45 MagSniper
0026035E MagStorm
000546CD Microgun
0026D968 Novablast Disruptor
0026D967 Novalight
0026ED2A Old Earth Assault Rifle
0021BBCD Old Earth Hunting Rifle
00278F74 Old Earth Shotgun
002773C8 Orion
0026D966 Osmium Dagger
002953F8 Pacifier
00/040826 Rattler
00000FD6 Razorback
0002CB5F Regulator
0004F760 Rescue Axe
0026D960 Shotty
0026D95D Sidestar
0026D961 Solstice
0002EB36 Tombstone
0026D96D Urban Eagle
0026D8A0 Va'Ruun Inflictor
0026D8A2 Va'Ruun Painblade
0026D8A4 Va'Ruun Starshard
0026F181 Barrow Knife
00035A48 Combat Knife
0026D8A3 Tanto
0026D8A5 UC Naval Cutlass
0026D8A1 Wakizashi

Starfield All Weapon Mod IDs

Quick Search of All Weapon Mod ID Codes

Click the header to sort the table.

To attach a Weapon Mod, use the code: (Ref ID Code).amod (Mod ID)

Red ID Code can be viewed by opening Command and clicking on the weapon to display the reference ID.

Weapon Mod ID Item Name Item Effect
000FF442 Anti-Personnel 10% damage against humans.
000FEA07   Bashing Deals double damage when gun bashing.
000F437E Berserker Does more damage the less armor one has.
000F428E Cornered Damage increases as health decreases.
000FC884 Demoralizing Small chance to demoralize a target.
001625EB Disassembler +20% damage against robots.
000FA8D6 Explosive Randomly switches to explosive rounds.
000FFA3B Extended Magazine Doubles the base magazine capacity
0015DD18 Exterminator +30% damage against ailens.
000FC8A4 Frenzy Small chance to frenzy a target.
000EA117 Furious Each consecutive hit deals more damage.
000EA0BA Handloading Volatile rounds that are designed to pack a bigger punch, but aren't as stable and can fail on occassion.
00122F1C Hitman +15% damage while aiming.
000F2013 Instigating Deals double damage to targets with full health.
000FEA49 Lacerate Randomly applies a bleed effect to the target.
000FFA3C Med Theft Chance that humans drop extra Med Packs on death.
00319AEC Poison Randomly deals poison damage and slows the target.
000FEA04 Rapidshot +25% increase in attack speed.
000F4557 Shattering Break through even the strongest armor
0031C0C4 Skip Shot Every fourth shot fires two projectiles at once.
000F7321 Space-Adept +30% damage while in space, and -15% damage while on a planet.
000E8D64 Staggering Small chance to stagger enemies
0031C0C6 Telsa Rounds will sometimes emit electricity where they land that damages and slows nearby targets.
000FFA3D Titanium Build Premium build materials make this weapon light as a feather

Starfield All Spacesuit IDs

Quick Search of All Spacesuit ID Codes

Click the header to sort the table.

To use the Spacesuit ID and spawn the Spacesuit, use code: player.placeatme "ID Code" "quantity"

Eg: player.placeatme 00065925 1

Spacesuit ID Item Name
00065925 Incendiary Experimental Nishina Spacesuit
0007B2B9 Sentinel's UC Antixeno Spacesuit
0022B8F6 Repulsing Explorer Spacesuit
0013F97D Peacemaker Spacesuit
00228570 Bounty Hunter Spacesuit
001E2B18 Constellation Spacesuit
000/5278E Deep Mining Spacesuit
002265AE Deep Recon Spacesuit
0006AC00 Deepcore Spacesuit
0016D2C4 Deepseeker Spacesuit
00026BF1 Deimos Spacesuit
0022856F Ecliptic Spacesuit
002265AF Explorer Spacesuit
001F22BB Gran-Gran's Spacesuit
002392B5 Ground Crew Spacesuit
00226299 Mantis Spacesuit
0001754D Mark I Spacesuit
001D0F96 Mercury Spacesuit
00225FC9 Monster Costume
00067C94 Navigator Spacesuit
0003084E Old Earth Spacesuit
00066821 Pirate Assault Spacesuit
00066826 Pirate Charger Spacesuit
00066828 Pirate Corsair Spacesuit
0006682A Pirate Sniper Spacesuit
00227CA0 Ranger Spacesuit
002265AD Shocktroop Spacesuit
0021C780 Space Trucker Spacesuit
00004E78 Star Roamer Spacesuit
0012E187 Starborn Spacesuit Astra
001CBA52 Starborn Spacesuit Avitus
001CBA4E Starborn Spacesuit Bellum
0021C77E Starborn Spacesuit Gravitas
001CBA4A Starborn Spacesuit Locus
001CBA49 Starborn Spacesuit Materia
002D7365 Starborn Spacesuit Solis
002D7346 Starborn Spacesuit Tempus
001CBA4D Starborn Spacesuit Tenebris
0021C77F Starborn Spacesuit Venator
002AAF44 SysDef Ace Spacesuit
00398104 SysDef Assault Spacesuit
0039810A SysDef Combat Spacesuit
00398108 SysDef Sec Recon Spacesuit
00398103 SysDef Spacesuit
00166404 Trackers Alliance Spacesuit
00166410 UC Ace Spacesuit
00206130 UC AntiXeno Spacesuit
00257808 UC Combat Spacesuit
00257805 UC Marine Spacesuit
000EF9B0 UC Sec Combat Spacesuit
000EF9AF UC Sec Recon Spacesuit
000EF9AE UC Sec Starlaw Spacesuit
000EF9AD UC Security Spacesuit
00257809 UC Startroop Spacesuit
0021A86A UC Urbanwar Spacesuit
00248C0F UC Vanguard Spacesuit
0025780A UC Wardog Spacesuit
00227CA3 Va'Ruun Spacesuit

Starfield All Helmet IDs

Quick Search of All Helmet ID Codes

Click the header to sort the table.

To use the Helmet ID and spawn the Helmet, use code: player.placeatme "ID Code" "quantity"

Eg: player.placeatme 00065926 1

Helmet ID Item Name
00065926 Reactive Experimental Nishina Helmet (Legendary)
0010A25E Incendiary UC AntiXeno Space Helmet
001466F6 Black Graviplas Helmet
001466FA Black Open Graviplas Helmet
001C0F32 Bounty Hunter Space Helmet
002EDE9C Broken Constellation Space Helmet
001466F7 Brown Graviplas Helmet
001E2B17 Constellation Space Helmet
0003B424 Cydonia Space Helmet
00052792 Deep Mining Space Helmet
00169F54 Deep Recon Space Helmet
0006ABFF Deepcore Space Helmet
0016D15C Deepseeker Space Helmet
00026BF0 Deimos Space Helmet
00228829 Ecliptic Space Helmet
00169F50 Explorer Space Helmet
0021F3F4 First Soldier Helmet
003CD812 Generdyne Guard Helmet
001F22BC Gran-Gran's Space Helmet
000781F7 Graviplas Merc Helmet
001466F8 Gray Graviplas Helmet
001466FC Gray Open Graviplas Helmet
002392B4 Ground Crew Space Helmet
0016640A Mantis Space Helmet
0001754F Mark I Space Helmet
0016E0B5 Mercenary Space Helmet
001D0F94 Mercury Space Helmet
00067C93 Navigator Space Helmet
001F73EF Neon Security Helmet
0003084D Old Earth Space Helmet
000781F8 Open Graviplas Helmet
0016E0C3 Operative Helmet
0013F97B Peacemaker Space Helmet
00066822 Pirate Assault Space Helmet
00066827 Pirate Charge Space Helmet
00066829 Pirate Corsair Space Helmet
0006682B Pirate Sniper Space Helmet
001E2AC1 Ranger Space Helmet
0037A34F Ryujin Guard Helmet
00165718 Security Guard Helmet
00169F58 Shocktrooper Space Helmet
0016E0BD Space Trucker Space Helmet
00003E8F Star Roamer Space Helmet
002F4B39 SY-920 Space Helmet
00398107 SysDef Armored Space Helmet
00398106 SysDef Space Helmet
002AAF45 System Def Ace Space Helmet
001466F9 Teal Graviplas Helmet
001466FD Teal Open Graviplas Helmet
00166403 Trackers Alliance Space Helmet
0014E44E Trident Guard Helmet
0016640F UC Ace Pilot Space Helmet
0025780B UC Armored Space Helmet
00257806 UC Marine Space Helmet
000EF9B2 UC Sec Spaceriot Helmet
0025E8D5 UC Security Helmet
000EF9B1 UC Security Space Helmet
0021A86B UC Urbanwar Space Helmet
00248C0E UC Vanguard Space Helmet
0016D3D1 Va'ruun Space Helmet

Starfield All Boost Pack IDs

Quick Search of All Boost Pack ID Codes

Click the header to sort the table.

To use the Boost Pack ID and spawn the Boost Pack, use code: player.placeatme "ID Code" "quantity"

Eg: player.placeatme 0010A25D 1

Boost Pack ID Item Name
0010A25D Armor-Plated UC AntiXeno Pack (Legendary)
001C0F34 Bounty Hunter Seek Pack
001C0F35 Bounty Hunter Stalk Pack
001C0F33 Bounty Hunter Track Pack
001E2B19 Constellation Pack
0003B423 Cydonia Pack
002EDF1F Deep Mining Pack
00169F55 Deep Recon Pack
000FD333 Deepcore Pack
0016D15B Deepseeker Pack
00026BEF Deimos Pack
00026BF2 Deimos Tunnel Pack
00166407 Ecliptic Pack
00169F51 Explorer Pack
002392B3 Ground Crew Pack
00003A77 High School Backpack
0016640B Mantis Pack
0001754E Mark I Pack
0016E0B6 Mercenary Pack
001D0F95 Mercury Pack
00067C95 Navigator Pack
0003084C Old Earth Pack
0013F97C Peacemaker Pack
00066824 Pirate Raiding Pack
00066825 Pirate Survival Pack
001E2AF7 Ranger Pack
00169F59 Shocktroop Pack
0016E0BB Space Trucker Pack
00003E90 Star Roamer Pack
001773BD SY-920 Pilot Pack
00398105 SysDef Pack
00166402 Trackers Alliance Pack
00029C7A Tunnel Mining Pack
0016640E UC Ace Pilot Pack
00/257807 UC Marine Pack
000EF9AC UC Security Pack
0021A86C UC Shock Armor Pack
002E3D4F UC Vanguard Pilot Pack
0016D3D0 Va'ruun Pack

Starfield All Faction Bounty IDs

Quick Search of All Faction Bounty ID Codes

Click the header to sort the table.

To clear any bounties or reverse hostility with a specific Faction, use code: player.paycrimegold 0 0 (Faction ID) 

eg: player.paycrimegold 0 0 00010B30

Faction Bounty ID Item Name
00010B30 Crimson Fleet
0026FDEA Ryujin Industries
0005BD93 United Colonies
000638E5 Freestar Collective

Starfield All Skill IDs

Quick Search of All Skill ID Codes

Click the header to sort the table.

To Add a perk, use code template: player.addperk (ID Code #)

eg:  player.addperk 002C59DF

Skill ID Skill Type Item Name
002C59DF Physical Skills Boxing
002CE2DD Physical Skills Fitness
002CFCB2 Physical Skills Stealth
002C59D9 Physical Skills Weight Lifting
002CE2E1 Physical Skills Wellness
002C59E2 Physical Skills Energy Weapon Dissipation
0028AE17 Physical Skills Environmental Conditioning
0028AE29 Physical Skills Gymnastics
002CFCAD Physical Skills Nutrition
002CFCAE Physical Skills Pain Tolerance
0028AE14 Physical Skills Cellular Regeneration
002CE2A0 Physical Skills Decontamination
002C5554 Physical Skills Martial Arts
002C555E Physical Skills Concealment
002C53B4 Physical Skills Neurostrikes
0028AE13 Physical Skills Rejuvenation
002C5A8E Social Skills Commerce
002C5A94 Social Skills Gastronomy
0022EC82 Social Skills Persuasion
0028B853 Social Skills Scavenging
002C555B Social Skills Theft
002CFCAF Social Skills Deception
002C59E1 Social Skills Diplomacy
002C59DE Social Skills Intimidation
002C53AE Social Skills Isolation
002C555F Social Skills Negotiation
002C555D Social Skills Instigation
002C890D Social Skills Leadership
0023826F Social Skills Outpost Management
002C5555 Social Skills Manipulation
002C53B3 Social Skills Ship Command
002C53B0 Social Skills Xenosociology
002CFCAB Combat Skills Ballistics
002CFCB0 Combat Skills Dueling
002C59DD Combat Skills Lasers
002080FF Combat Skills Pistol Certification
0027DF97 Combat Skills Shotgun Certification
002C5556 Combat Skills Demolitions
00147E38 Combat Skills Heavy Weapons Certification
0027DF96 Combat Skills Incapacitation
0027BAFD Combat Skills Particle Beams
002CE2E0 Combat Skills Rifle Certification
002C890B Combat Skills Marksmanship
002C555A Combat Skills Rapid Reloading
002C53B1 Combat Skills Sniper Certification
002C59DA Combat Skills Targeting
0027DF94 Combat Skills Armor Penetration
0027CBBA Combat Skills Crippling
002C53AF Combat Skills Sharpshooting
002C5560 Science Skills Astrodynamics
002CE29F Science Skills Geology
002CE2DF Science Skills Medicine
002C555C Science Skills Research Methods
0027CBC1 Science Skills Surveying
002C5557 Science Skills Botany
002CFCB1 Science Skills Scanning
0027CBC3 Science Skills Spacesuit Design
002C890C Science Skills Weapon Engineering
002C5552 Science Skills Zoology
0027CBBB Science Skills Astrophysics
002CE2C0 Science Skills Chemistry
002C59E0 Science Skills Outpost Engineering
002C2C5A Science Skills Aneutronic Fusion
0027CBC2 Science Skills Planetary Habitation
0004CE2D Science Skills Special Projects
002CE2C2 Tech Skills Ballistic Weapon Systems
00146C2C Tech Skills Boost Pack Training
002CFCAC Tech Skills Piloting
002CE2E2 Tech Skills Security
002C5559 Tech Skills Targeting Control Systems
002C59DB Tech Skills Energy Weapon Systems
002CE2DE Tech Skills Engine Systems
00143B6B Tech Skills Payloads
002C2C59 Tech Skills Shield Systems
002C5558 Tech Skills Missile Weapon Systems
002C2C5B Tech Skills Particle Beam Weapon Systems
002C5553 Tech Skills Robotics
002C59DC Tech Skills Starship Design
002AC953 Tech Skills Starship Engineering
0027B9ED Tech Skills Automated Weapon Systems
0008C3EE Tech Skills Boost Assault Training
002C53B2 Tech Skills EM Weapon Systems

Starfield All Trait IDs

Quick Search of All Trait ID Codes

Click the header to sort the table.

To Add a perk, use code template: player.addperk (Trait ID)

To remove a perk use code template: player.removeperk (Trait ID)

eg:  player.addperk 00227FDA

Trait ID Item Name
00227FDA Alien DNA
00227FDF Dream Home
00227FD6 Empath
00227FD7 Extrovert
00227FD5 Freestar Collective Settler
00227FD9 Hero Worshipped
00227FD8 Introvert
00227FDE Kid Stuff
00227FD3 Neon Street Rat
00227FD2 Raised Enlightened
00227FD1 Raised Universal
00227FD0 Serpent's Embrace
00227FE2 Spaced
00227FE0 Taskmaster
00227FE1 Terra Firma
00227FD4 United Colonies Native
00227FDD Wanted

Starfield All Background IDs

Quick Search of All Background ID Codes

Click the header to sort the table.

To Add a perk, use code template: player.addperk (Background ID)

To remove a perk use code template: player.removeperk (Background ID)

eg:  player.addperk 0022EC76

Background ID Item Name
0022EC76 Beast Hunter
0022EC81 Bouncer
0022EC80 Bounty Hunter
0022EC7F Chef
0022EC7E Combat Medic
0022EC7D Cyber Runner
0022EC7C Cyberneticist
0022EC7B Diplomat
0022EC79 Explorer
0022EC78 Gangster
0022EC77 Homesteader
0022EC7A Industrialist
0022EC75 Long Hauler
0022EC73 Pilgrim
0022EC72 Professor
0022EC74 Ronin
0022EC71 Sculptor
0022EC70 Soldier
0022EC6F Space Scoundrel
0022EC6E Xenobiologist
002DFD1A (File Not Found)

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